Why choose US?

The team at our Academy have years of experience treating clients and training practitioners in the use of contemporary foot care approaches. Not only that but our team work in clinics and practices, in businesses and training and are constantly updating their own CPD to help you enhance yours.

Cosmetic and nail reconstruction

At LYF CPD, we blend cutting-edge materials and techniques to bring together the best of the beauty and medical industries seamlessly.

Lacuna Method®

A revolutionary technique and patented approach to managing fungal nail infections created and taught by us, used effectively, globally!



Welcome to Love Your Feet CPD and the Obrian Academy  

Helping you to learn new skills to diversify you practice, provide extra services for your clients, increase your practice revenue and enhance your own business and confidence. 



About your tutor

Nicola O'Brian is a Podiatrist who gained her BSc Hons Podiatry from Brighton University in 2001.

For the last 20 years she has specialised in Cosmetic Podiatry and has a special interest in Dermatology & Rheumatology.

Offering clinic based training  to practitioners, giving them not only the opportunity to learn contemporary skills, more ways to enhance the customer experience and bring greater revenue to their clinic, Nicola and her team also offer marketing, business and confidence skills to professionals in the health and wellness industry.

Nicola has created several support groups, can be found giving up her time offering free advice in Working Lunch Groups and on 1:1 calls and also offers business coaching sessions. 


Join Nicola On Facebook

Lacuna Method Zoom


The Lacuna Method™ is a treatment for fungal nails that involves drilling micro-holes painlessly into the damaged nails. This allows an anti-fungal agent to directly reach the infected skin under the nail directly.The patient can then continued to apply the anti-fungal medication once a day, allowing the nail to grow out healthily.
The course covers how to use the Lacuna Method to generate income, the benefits of fungal treatments for your patients, how to market the service, cautions and contradictions aswell as the guidance on actually using the product. 
You also receive a certificate for insurance, a downloadable course guide, marketing starter kit, a starter kit of burrs, syringes a hard copy booklet and a poster and a live zoom with Nicola O'Brian herself, who will demonstrate the course itself, and be by your side after the course with advice and mentoring.
The course is £297 and will next be held on the 26th of February at 6pm
Sign Up Here!!

Pedisafe Bracing Zoom


Pedisafe is an aesthetic and remodelling system which is curable in both UV and LED light, this product is often used for reconstruction of nails but can also be used to manage inoculated and curved nails without surgery. 

This course is suitable for both FHPs and Podiatrists.
The course covers how to use pedisafe bracing to generate income, the benefits of bracing treatments for your patients, how to market the service, cautions and contradictions aswell as the guidance on actually using the product.
You also receive a certificate for insurance, a downloadable course guide, marketing starter kit and a live zoom with Nicola O'Brian herself, who will demonstrate the course itself, and be by your side after the course with advice and mentoring.
Sign Up Here!

The Clinical Support and Business Membership

As a long term mentor and clinical director,  I’ve created a forum group that’s well.. different. Over the last few years I've trained and mentored many students and whilst doing so noted what they felt they NEEDED and what they wanted. (What I discovered was super-interesting!) In 2025… Most new Foot Health Practitioners and Podiatrists are looking to:

NETWORK more with like-minded experts/entrepreneurs in our industry

MASTERMIND with seasoned professionals

Work LESS & Scale MORE Avoid BURNOUT - while building a LEGACY

Learn UP-TO-THE-MINUTE business strategies (ie. What’s working NOW?)

Avoid OVERWHELMING events filled with massive crowds, long queues, 100's of presenters, lengthy/trans-oceanic travel, & don’t deliver on SPECIFIC RESULTS

Be treated as a VALUED MEMBER of an elite community (not ‘just a number’) at events or Facebook they do attend

Look… I think about the “entrepreneurial journey” more often than I care to admit. And… I truly believe Entrepreneurs like you are WORLD CHANGERS. (But it’s IMPOSSIBLE to change the world… ALONE. …or on the verge of BURNOUT.) “Hustling” will only get you so far. Which is WHY… if any of this resonates with you…I invite you to click on over to our community membership, where we go through this together!!

i hope to see you there...



Nicolas appearance on the Podiatry Legends Podcast

Nicola was lucky enough to be a guest star on podiatrist Tyson E Franklin's podcast 'the Podiatry Legends', Join her as she discusses diagnosing lipodema in episode 112, or as she discusses her story as she dove into the Cosmetic Podiatry industry in episode 105. 

EP 105 EP 112

Have an enquiry?

Email our training co-ordinator Aimee today

[email protected]


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